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Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack

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Red on black snake friend of jack

Need snake removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020.
One of the things that separates human beings from any other animal on the planet is their ability to create acronyms and pneumonic devices that help them to be able to memorize key pieces of information. This is used by biologists to remember the classification system, soldiers to remember ranks, and astronomers to remember the different galaxies.
However, the ability to use memory devices like this are not limited to pneumonic and acronym options. One of the best ways to remember something is through the use of a story or poem. Because of the manner in which they are written they can become very useful techniques to be able to help a person to remember important dates, like the War of 1812 or Paul Revere's ride.
One that has become quite successful in helping people to identify snakes is a poem that was written that not only tells how one can identify if something is a coral snake, King snake, or Florida scarlet snake, but whether those snakes are venomous to people.
It is a beautifully written poem based on the three primary colors of these animals: read, black, and yellow. What is so amazing about this poem is that it accurately depicts the exact way that a person is able to tell which one of these snakes a person comes upon, and whether that snake is poisonous or venomous to you.
Because of the fact that the coral snake is quite venomous and extremely dangerous to you, it is important to be able to distinguish it from the other two kinds of snakes, especially when you only have a few moments to be able to make a determination. This poem is written beautifully to ensure that you can do just that. It isn't written in any kind of like the pentameter, like you are reading a story from Homer, but is instead written so that you can make a quick decision about whether this snake is to be of concern to you or not.
According to the tail, this rhyme was first created in 1862 by a man known as 'Fat' Jack Loticus. While there have been variations of it that had been developed over the years, the fact remains that this poem has been helpful for over 150 years in helping people to be able to identify what kind of snake they are looking at.
While it is clearly a great way to learn how to identify the snake, what separates it and makes it such a beneficial tool is that it helps children to be able to learn more about the world around them. The fact remains that the more that we understand our ecosystem in the different species of animals that live within it, the better off we are in the better it is for the ecosystem itself. We all live together in this big blue marble in the sky, and it makes sense to be able to get to know our fellow species on this planet a little better.
Here is that poem in its entirety.
Red touches yellow, kills a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack
Red touch yellow, kills a fellow. Red touch black, venom lack.
Red touch yellow, death says hello. Black touch red, keep your head.
Yellow touch red, you be dead. Red touch black, eat Cracker Jack.
Red and yellow mingle, bite feel a tingle. Red and black hug, sing a song, you lug.
Red and yellow cohabitate, soon you will suffocate. Red and black together, in for sunny weather.
Red leans on yellow, legs turn to jell-o. Red leans on black, keep a strong back.
Yellow brushes red, snake gets fed. Red brushes black, snake gets no snack.
Snake of black and yellow and red, soon a stupid rhyme is said.
Need snake removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices- updated for year 2020.

The snake poem — red touch yellow killed a fellow — commonly refers to two snakes that look very much alike. One of them is venomous and one of them isn't. The rhyme helps you to work out which one is which and, hopefully, prevent yourself from becoming a snake dinner. Or, at the very least, a snake victim.
The coral snake is the actual venomous snake, although various other snakes try to mimic the bright patterns and colors to make themselves look more frightening to predatory attacks. The Florida scarlet snake is a prime example of this, and another is the scarlet king snake. The shovel-nose snake is another non-venomous snake that is often confused with a venomous snake, but sadly this rhyme doesn't work in this case. In both species of snake, the red bands are touched by the yellow bands. This makes the shovel-nose snake appear venomous even when it is not, but that's not a bad thing. You'll be more inclined to steer clear, and we'd highly recommend that with ANY species of snake, whether you think it's a venomous one or not.
There is another case where the rhyme doesn't work, and in this case, the fact that the rhyme doesn't work actually makes it incredibly dangerous. The South American coral snake has black bands that touch red bands, which would make them seem entirely harmless. This is NOT the case. The South American coral snake is venomous and should be avoided at all costs.
The rhyme — red touches yellow, kills a fellow, red touches black, friend of Jack - doesn't work in every case, and that's we do not recommend using it as a reliable way of identifying venomous or dangerous snake species.
Although there are ways that you can identify venomous from non-venomous snakes, the tricks and tips aren't entirely foolproof and there will always be cases where there are exceptions to the rule. If you are faced with a snake on your property or in your home, don't get close enough to it to work out what kind of snake it is. Try to keep the creature confined to one room and call for help. This is not the kind of job you'll want to tackle on your own.
For more information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote:
How much does snake removal cost? - get the lowdown on prices.
How to get rid of snakes - my main snake removal info guide.
Example snake trapping photographs - get do-it-yourself ideas.
Snake job blog - learn from great examples of snake jobs I've done.

Coralsnakes are a large group of venomous snakes in the Elapidae family. Other members in the same family are sea snakes, copperheads, mambas, king cobras, and more. They are well known for their bright colored bands of red, black, and yellow scales.

To tell the difference between harmless species, and harmful species, remember, 'Red on yellow, kills a fellow – Red on black, a friend of Jack.' When red bands touch yellow bands, the snake is a coral snake, and when red bands touch black bands it is not. Venomous or Poisonous – Whenever given the opportunity, I like to remind people. 'Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, won't hurt Jack' All tell the same warning about the color pattern for North American coral snakes. However, identifying venomous snakes isn't easy; there are numerous exceptions to the rules above, especially when dealing with coral snakes. A helpful reminder when seeing this snake: 'Red on black, friend of Jack; red on yellow, kill a fellow.' 6 of 6 Its bite can be very painful but its rarely fatal to humans. The coral snake is one of those dangerously venomous but typically shy snakes, to which the popular reminder 'Red on yellow, kill a fellow - Red on black, friend of Jack' applies.

These venomous snakes are sometimes mistaken for non-venomous species with similar coloration, like milksnakes and kingsnakes. Read on to learn about the coral snake.

Description of the Coral Snake

Coral Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack


There are over 80 different species of coral snakes, each with its own unique appearance. For the most part, North American species stick to a similar coloration, which makes them easy to identify.

The North American species have red, yellow, and black bands. In other parts of the world, however, coral snakes have extremely varied patterns and colors. Some lack colored bands at all, while others have pink or blue bands.

Interesting Facts About the Coral Snake

These snakes can be quite dangerous, but are generally reclusive and avoid interaction with humans. Regardless, if you cannot identify a snake with 100% certainty, it is best to give it a wide berth!

  • Safe to Touch? – While you should never touch a snake you cannot identify, with North American coral snake species, you can differentiate between similar venomous and non-venomous species by using helpful mnemonics. To tell the difference between harmless species, and harmful species, remember, 'Red on yellow, kills a fellow – Red on black, a friend of Jack.' When red bands touch yellow bands, the snake is a coral snake, and when red bands touch black bands it is not.
  • Venomous or Poisonous – Whenever given the opportunity, I like to remind people the difference between poisonous creatures and venomous creatures. The vast majority of dangerous snake species are venomous, not poisonous. A venomous creature bites something, and injects venom with its teeth. A poisonous creature exudes a toxin on its skin that kills whatever bites/eats it. To put it simply, if it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous.
  • Hideaway – Though they are dangerous, these snakes are definitely not out to get you. In fact, they prefer hiding under leaf litter and beneath old trees to roaming in the open. They commonly exhibit fossorial, or burrowing, behavior.
  • Self Destruction – Coral snakes are one of the many different snake species that are ophiophagous. This means that they eat other snakes. Unlike some ophiophagous snake species, coral snakes are also known to be cannibalistic and eat their own kind!

Habitat of the Coral Snake

There are a wide variety of species in this family of snakes, and they are known to live in a number of different habitats across the world. Some species are found exclusively in rainforests, others are native to salt marshes and wooded areas. They can be found in dry scrublands, swamps, pine flatwoods, and more. They prefer areas dense leaf litter and debris, where they can hide effectively.

Distribution of the Coral Snake

Different species of coral snakes have different distributions. There are a number of North American species, and they are most easily identified by color pattern. Different species can be found in South America, Central America, India, and Asia. They are divided into two categories, New World species (the Americas) and Old World species (India and Asia).

Diet of the Coral Snake

Despite their wide distribution and differing characteristics, these snakes usually have similar diets. They have relatively small mouths, and thus, usually feed on small prey. Depending on the species, they are known to be ophiophagous, which means they feed on other snakes. They also feed on lizards, insects, small mammals, young birds, and other similar prey.

Coral Snake and Human Interaction

These snakes actually have extremely potent venom, but they do not account for a very high percentage of yearly snakebites. They avoid heavily populated areas, and are not commonly found near human habitation. When humans do come across them, they probably don't even realize because the snake stays well hidden and avoids contact.

They also have quite short fangs, so it is not uncommon for bites to not penetrate thick clothing or shoes. Bites do occur approximately 15 – 25 times per year, and they are extremely serious when they do. If bitten, seek immediate medical assistance, as respiratory failure can occur within hours.


No species of coral snake have been domesticated.

Does the Coral Snake Make a Good Pet

As is the case with any venomous snake, it is highly unadvisable to own a coral snake as a pet. If you are bitten, it can kill you.

Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack

Coral Snake Care

In a zoological setting these snakes can be relatively easily housed. They enjoy hiding beneath detritus and rotten logs, and are fairly inactive snakes. For this reason it is important to provide them with a dense substrate for digging, and plenty of other hiding places.

They can be fed insects, small rodents, and other appropriately sized food, depending on the species. Some species are notoriously difficult to feed in a captive setting. Institutions that house these snakes are vital for the creation of antivenom that saves lives when humans are bitten.

Behavior of the Coral Snake

Coral Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack

Most species of coral snakes are solitary and reclusive creatures. They avoid interaction with other creatures, and live in areas that are uninhabited by humans. There are also a few aquatic species that live and feed in swampy areas with dense vegetation. These creatures only emerge from their hiding places after nightfall to search for prey.

Reproduction of the Coral Snake


Need snake removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020.
One of the things that separates human beings from any other animal on the planet is their ability to create acronyms and pneumonic devices that help them to be able to memorize key pieces of information. This is used by biologists to remember the classification system, soldiers to remember ranks, and astronomers to remember the different galaxies.
However, the ability to use memory devices like this are not limited to pneumonic and acronym options. One of the best ways to remember something is through the use of a story or poem. Because of the manner in which they are written they can become very useful techniques to be able to help a person to remember important dates, like the War of 1812 or Paul Revere's ride.
One that has become quite successful in helping people to identify snakes is a poem that was written that not only tells how one can identify if something is a coral snake, King snake, or Florida scarlet snake, but whether those snakes are venomous to people.
It is a beautifully written poem based on the three primary colors of these animals: read, black, and yellow. What is so amazing about this poem is that it accurately depicts the exact way that a person is able to tell which one of these snakes a person comes upon, and whether that snake is poisonous or venomous to you.
Because of the fact that the coral snake is quite venomous and extremely dangerous to you, it is important to be able to distinguish it from the other two kinds of snakes, especially when you only have a few moments to be able to make a determination. This poem is written beautifully to ensure that you can do just that. It isn't written in any kind of like the pentameter, like you are reading a story from Homer, but is instead written so that you can make a quick decision about whether this snake is to be of concern to you or not.
According to the tail, this rhyme was first created in 1862 by a man known as 'Fat' Jack Loticus. While there have been variations of it that had been developed over the years, the fact remains that this poem has been helpful for over 150 years in helping people to be able to identify what kind of snake they are looking at.
While it is clearly a great way to learn how to identify the snake, what separates it and makes it such a beneficial tool is that it helps children to be able to learn more about the world around them. The fact remains that the more that we understand our ecosystem in the different species of animals that live within it, the better off we are in the better it is for the ecosystem itself. We all live together in this big blue marble in the sky, and it makes sense to be able to get to know our fellow species on this planet a little better.
Here is that poem in its entirety.
Red touches yellow, kills a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack
Red touch yellow, kills a fellow. Red touch black, venom lack.
Red touch yellow, death says hello. Black touch red, keep your head.
Yellow touch red, you be dead. Red touch black, eat Cracker Jack.
Red and yellow mingle, bite feel a tingle. Red and black hug, sing a song, you lug.
Red and yellow cohabitate, soon you will suffocate. Red and black together, in for sunny weather.
Red leans on yellow, legs turn to jell-o. Red leans on black, keep a strong back.
Yellow brushes red, snake gets fed. Red brushes black, snake gets no snack.
Snake of black and yellow and red, soon a stupid rhyme is said.
Need snake removal in your hometown? We service over 500 USA locations! Click here to hire us in your town and check prices- updated for year 2020.

The snake poem — red touch yellow killed a fellow — commonly refers to two snakes that look very much alike. One of them is venomous and one of them isn't. The rhyme helps you to work out which one is which and, hopefully, prevent yourself from becoming a snake dinner. Or, at the very least, a snake victim.
The coral snake is the actual venomous snake, although various other snakes try to mimic the bright patterns and colors to make themselves look more frightening to predatory attacks. The Florida scarlet snake is a prime example of this, and another is the scarlet king snake. The shovel-nose snake is another non-venomous snake that is often confused with a venomous snake, but sadly this rhyme doesn't work in this case. In both species of snake, the red bands are touched by the yellow bands. This makes the shovel-nose snake appear venomous even when it is not, but that's not a bad thing. You'll be more inclined to steer clear, and we'd highly recommend that with ANY species of snake, whether you think it's a venomous one or not.
There is another case where the rhyme doesn't work, and in this case, the fact that the rhyme doesn't work actually makes it incredibly dangerous. The South American coral snake has black bands that touch red bands, which would make them seem entirely harmless. This is NOT the case. The South American coral snake is venomous and should be avoided at all costs.
The rhyme — red touches yellow, kills a fellow, red touches black, friend of Jack - doesn't work in every case, and that's we do not recommend using it as a reliable way of identifying venomous or dangerous snake species.
Although there are ways that you can identify venomous from non-venomous snakes, the tricks and tips aren't entirely foolproof and there will always be cases where there are exceptions to the rule. If you are faced with a snake on your property or in your home, don't get close enough to it to work out what kind of snake it is. Try to keep the creature confined to one room and call for help. This is not the kind of job you'll want to tackle on your own.
For more information, you may want to click on one of these guides that I wrote:
How much does snake removal cost? - get the lowdown on prices.
How to get rid of snakes - my main snake removal info guide.
Example snake trapping photographs - get do-it-yourself ideas.
Snake job blog - learn from great examples of snake jobs I've done.

Coralsnakes are a large group of venomous snakes in the Elapidae family. Other members in the same family are sea snakes, copperheads, mambas, king cobras, and more. They are well known for their bright colored bands of red, black, and yellow scales.

To tell the difference between harmless species, and harmful species, remember, 'Red on yellow, kills a fellow – Red on black, a friend of Jack.' When red bands touch yellow bands, the snake is a coral snake, and when red bands touch black bands it is not. Venomous or Poisonous – Whenever given the opportunity, I like to remind people. 'Red on yellow, kill a fellow; red on black, won't hurt Jack' All tell the same warning about the color pattern for North American coral snakes. However, identifying venomous snakes isn't easy; there are numerous exceptions to the rules above, especially when dealing with coral snakes. A helpful reminder when seeing this snake: 'Red on black, friend of Jack; red on yellow, kill a fellow.' 6 of 6 Its bite can be very painful but its rarely fatal to humans. The coral snake is one of those dangerously venomous but typically shy snakes, to which the popular reminder 'Red on yellow, kill a fellow - Red on black, friend of Jack' applies.

These venomous snakes are sometimes mistaken for non-venomous species with similar coloration, like milksnakes and kingsnakes. Read on to learn about the coral snake.

Description of the Coral Snake

Coral Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack

There are over 80 different species of coral snakes, each with its own unique appearance. For the most part, North American species stick to a similar coloration, which makes them easy to identify.

The North American species have red, yellow, and black bands. In other parts of the world, however, coral snakes have extremely varied patterns and colors. Some lack colored bands at all, while others have pink or blue bands.

Interesting Facts About the Coral Snake

These snakes can be quite dangerous, but are generally reclusive and avoid interaction with humans. Regardless, if you cannot identify a snake with 100% certainty, it is best to give it a wide berth!

  • Safe to Touch? – While you should never touch a snake you cannot identify, with North American coral snake species, you can differentiate between similar venomous and non-venomous species by using helpful mnemonics. To tell the difference between harmless species, and harmful species, remember, 'Red on yellow, kills a fellow – Red on black, a friend of Jack.' When red bands touch yellow bands, the snake is a coral snake, and when red bands touch black bands it is not.
  • Venomous or Poisonous – Whenever given the opportunity, I like to remind people the difference between poisonous creatures and venomous creatures. The vast majority of dangerous snake species are venomous, not poisonous. A venomous creature bites something, and injects venom with its teeth. A poisonous creature exudes a toxin on its skin that kills whatever bites/eats it. To put it simply, if it bites you and you die, it's venomous. If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous.
  • Hideaway – Though they are dangerous, these snakes are definitely not out to get you. In fact, they prefer hiding under leaf litter and beneath old trees to roaming in the open. They commonly exhibit fossorial, or burrowing, behavior.
  • Self Destruction – Coral snakes are one of the many different snake species that are ophiophagous. This means that they eat other snakes. Unlike some ophiophagous snake species, coral snakes are also known to be cannibalistic and eat their own kind!

Habitat of the Coral Snake

There are a wide variety of species in this family of snakes, and they are known to live in a number of different habitats across the world. Some species are found exclusively in rainforests, others are native to salt marshes and wooded areas. They can be found in dry scrublands, swamps, pine flatwoods, and more. They prefer areas dense leaf litter and debris, where they can hide effectively.

Distribution of the Coral Snake

Different species of coral snakes have different distributions. There are a number of North American species, and they are most easily identified by color pattern. Different species can be found in South America, Central America, India, and Asia. They are divided into two categories, New World species (the Americas) and Old World species (India and Asia).

Diet of the Coral Snake

Despite their wide distribution and differing characteristics, these snakes usually have similar diets. They have relatively small mouths, and thus, usually feed on small prey. Depending on the species, they are known to be ophiophagous, which means they feed on other snakes. They also feed on lizards, insects, small mammals, young birds, and other similar prey.

Coral Snake and Human Interaction

These snakes actually have extremely potent venom, but they do not account for a very high percentage of yearly snakebites. They avoid heavily populated areas, and are not commonly found near human habitation. When humans do come across them, they probably don't even realize because the snake stays well hidden and avoids contact.

They also have quite short fangs, so it is not uncommon for bites to not penetrate thick clothing or shoes. Bites do occur approximately 15 – 25 times per year, and they are extremely serious when they do. If bitten, seek immediate medical assistance, as respiratory failure can occur within hours.


No species of coral snake have been domesticated.

Does the Coral Snake Make a Good Pet

As is the case with any venomous snake, it is highly unadvisable to own a coral snake as a pet. If you are bitten, it can kill you.

Coral Snake Care

In a zoological setting these snakes can be relatively easily housed. They enjoy hiding beneath detritus and rotten logs, and are fairly inactive snakes. For this reason it is important to provide them with a dense substrate for digging, and plenty of other hiding places.

They can be fed insects, small rodents, and other appropriately sized food, depending on the species. Some species are notoriously difficult to feed in a captive setting. Institutions that house these snakes are vital for the creation of antivenom that saves lives when humans are bitten.

Behavior of the Coral Snake

Coral Snake Red On Black Friend Of Jack

Most species of coral snakes are solitary and reclusive creatures. They avoid interaction with other creatures, and live in areas that are uninhabited by humans. There are also a few aquatic species that live and feed in swampy areas with dense vegetation. These creatures only emerge from their hiding places after nightfall to search for prey.

Reproduction of the Coral Snake

Red On Black Snake Friend Of Jack

Unlike many venomous snake species, which give birth to live young, coralsnakes lay eggs. Depending on the species, they will lay a small number of eggs, known as a clutch. North American species lay their eggs in the summer, and the eggs will hatch in the fall. The hatchlings receive no maternal care, and are fully self-sufficient at birth.

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